
Props (properties) can be used to pass input to component. Props are reactive.

Let's create a component which take input name and render the message.

create a file - name.mahal

    <div>My name is {{name}}</div>
import {Component, prop } from "mahal"

export default class NameComponent extends Component {


In the above code - we have marked the class property name as Prop by using the decorator prop.

Let's use the component Name inside Main Component and pass input value name.

    <Name :name="name" />
import {Component, reactive, children } from "mahal"
import Name from "./name.mahal";

export default class MainComponent extends Component {

    name = "ujjwal gupta"

default value

You can assign default value to class property which will be considered as default value when prop value is not passed from the parent component.

Let's assign a default name to our component -

    <div>My name is {{name}}</div>
import {Component, prop } from "mahal"

export default class NameComponent extends Component {

    name = "Batman";


prop decorator have following options -

  1. type - accepts data type of the prop. When provided it checks the provided data type.