
Directive are reusable method which can be attached on element for low level access to element. Similar to component - they have lifecycle.

The model, show , ref are examples of directive.

A directive is called before the target element is rendered. The directive has access to element and parameter passed to it. There are three lifecycle for directive -

  1. inserted - called when target element is inserted into the DOM.
  2. valueUpdated - called when binded parameter value is changed
  3. destroyed - called when target element is removed from DOM.


Example1 - Let's create a simple name directive which will set the data-name on the target element.

  <div id="el3" :name>Hey</div>
  <div id="el1" :name('ujjwal') #fu>Hey</div>
  <div id="el2" :name(name)>Hey</div>
import { Component, reactive, directive } from "mahal"

export default class extends Component {

    @reactive name = 'hello';

    nameDirective(el, binding) {
        el.setAttribute('data-name', binding.value || 'SUPER MAN');

The above directive just use the element to set attribute on the target element. It doesn't use any life cycle.

Example2 - Let's create a highlight directive which will highlight the target element.

  <div id="el4" :highlight>Hey</div>
  <div id="el5" :highlight('grey')>Hey</div>
  <div id="el6" :highlight('blue','red')>Hey</div>
  <div #if(el7) id="el7" :highlight(backgroundColor , 'yellow')>Hey</div>
  <div  id="el8" :highlight(backgroundColor , color )>Hey</div>
import { Component, reactive, directive } from "mahal"

export default class extends Component {

    backgroundColor = 'red';

    color = 'blue';

    el7 = true;

    highlightDirective(el, binding, component) {
        var isDirectiveDestoyedCalled=false;
        function handle() {
            // when there are multiple argument passed, params becomes array otherwise basic type.

            if (binding.params.length > 1) {
       = binding.value[0];
       = binding.value[1];
            else {
       = binding.value || 'yellow';
       = 'black';


        return {
                console.log('element is inserted');
            valueUpdated: handle,
            destroyed: () => {
                isDirectiveDestoyedCalled = true;
