
Mahal provides for directive which can be used to render list.

    <p :for(fruit,index in fruits)>
        Fruit at index {{index}} is {{fruit}} // Fruit at index 0 is Banana
import { Component, Computed, reactive } from "mahal";

export default class extends Component {

    fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];

for with object

Similar to array we can loop through object property. In case of object the first argument is value and second argument is key.

    <p :for(value,key in fruits)>
       {{key}} is {{value}} // Banana is 5
import { Component, Computed, reactive } from "mahal";

export default class extends Component {

   fruits = { 
       "Banana":5, "Orange":3, "Apple":2, "Mango":4