
Slot can be used for injecting content inside a component. It is an alternative of using prop.

Consider a StandardButton component which takes the content through prop

    <StandardButton :text="Submit" />

Now let's use slot to inject the content -

create a file button.mahal

import {Component } from "mahal"

export default class MyBtnComponent extends Component {


let's use the MyBtnComponent -


You can also put default content inside the slot. This will allow you to render something by default when user of the component does not provide anything.

import {Component } from "mahal"

export default class MyBtnComponent extends Component {


Named slot

Slot can be named in order to target a particular slot when there are multiple slot.

<div class="user-comp">
    User info
    <div class="name">
        My name is <slot></slot>.
    <div class="gender">
        I am <slot name="gender"></slot>.
import {Component } from "mahal"

export default class extends Component {


In the above code - you can see there are two slots : one default slot and other named slot with name=gender

Let's use the above Component -

     <User class="users" :for(user in users)>
        <target name="gender">{{user.gender}}</target>