Router Lifecycle

The lifecycle event can be used to control router navigation or know different router actions.

Different router lifecycle are -

  1. beforeEach or notFound
  2. navigate
  3. afterEach

All lifecycle are emitted as events, so it can be listened in outside as well as inside component.

1. beforeEach

beforeEach is called after route is found. It can result a boolean result or route.

  • Boolean result - if it returns boolean result and if it is false then navigation is stopped.
  • Route result - if it returns route result, then it is considered as replacement route and redirected to returned route.

The beforeEach event contains new route as argument.


if the target route does not exist then notFound event is emitted


notFound is called when no route is found. It is called with to route.


2. navigate

navigate is called after beforeEach is resolved. The event indicates route is being changed. It contains the new route as arguments.


3. afterEach

afterEach is called after navigate is resolved. It indicates change of route. It is called with to route, from route and error if any.

router.on("afterEach",(to, from, error)=>{
   console.log("afterEach",to, from);

       console.error("error", error);